We smell Cake – Birthday Cake!

We smell Cake – Birthday Cake!

Hello from the Food Bites team,

There is an exciting bustle amongst our team this month; and for a darn good reason at that!  We are celebrating 16 wonderful years of changing lives through our training programmes.

We thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to convey our thanks to our loyal customers and dedicated facilitators – without these two important components we would not be where we are today.

From Juanita:

16 years – what a journey!  When I look back over the 16 years, it truly has been amazing.  And I am thankful for Debbie, my business partner, with whom I could have shared these 16 years – a friend and a business partner from whom I learn valuable lessons.  We are different, but our skills complement the business.  I appreciate the privilege to learn from experts, through clients and colleagues, on both a professional and personal level.

My reflections over the past 16 years include:

  • Sometimes you wish to rush into something or wish for something to happen immediately – but the timing is never early and never late – it is always on time. Looking back, you realise that it would either have been a mess, or you would not be ready.  You trust.
  • Over the years, I have been taken out of my comfort zone on a daily basis – not always easy, but when you look back, this is necessary to grow.
  • People make up companies. It does not matter how “good” a system is, companies are as good as their people
  • The way you say something is more important than what you say.
  • Sometimes you don’t choose a career – it chooses you.
  • When you love what you do, it is not work, and you can just keep going.

I wake up daily to make a difference and will strive to continue to do so in the years to come.

From Debbie:

Sixteen years ago, I made a decision that changed my life forever.  At the time I could not imagine where we would end up or how much fun we would have along the way.  What the past 16 years have taught me:

  • People are most the important aspect of any business – whether it is customers or colleagues; life just wouldn’t be the same without them.
  • You think you know what your boundaries are but you only realise how resilient you are when these boundaries are pushed time and time again.
  • Juanita has super-powers! Really, ask anyone!
  • Life is a journey – enjoy the ride!

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be running some exciting birthday promotions – follow us on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and stand the chance to win some exciting prizes…

Until next week…

From the Food Bites Team