Food safety training that matters – WHY we do what we do!

Food safety training that matters – WHY we do what we do!

Fellow Food Biters,

Are you also feeling a little worse for wear already?  Despite the lockdown and “impromptu holiday” that was enforced on us, this year seems to have 1 267 867 months!  Perhaps it’s just our imagination.

Today we thought we’d like to speak about our true passion or as Simon Sinek would say, our “WHY”.  WHAT we do was essentially born out of an idea to equip people in the food sector with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure a safe product for consumers.  HOW we do that is by developing training material that is easy to understand and more importantly, training delivered by competent facilitators who share our passion.

Our team is driven by the fact that we really care about people – we are living in a world where people are dying from starvation and malnutrition and there is no reason that anyone should die or suffer any loss because of what they ate.

New threats to food safety are constantly emerging.  These threats are introduced through changes in food production, distribution and consumption, changes to the environment, new and emerging bacteria and toxins and antimicrobial resistance.  All these factors increase the risk of food becoming contaminated.  At Progress Excellence we are proud of our contribution in ensuring that food on your plate is safe to eat.  To us training is more than just ticking something off as “done!”

We believe that effective training changes behaviour and that targeted food safety training on different levels in the organisation should create a food safety culture where every food handler acts in a responsible manner.  Perhaps we use the term “food handler” too loosely – every stakeholder; from maintenance to production and staff in logistics and quality should understand how they contribute to producing a safe product.

No organisation can thrive without some form of investment in the development of their employees and food safety training should rank among the top priorities.  It has never been more crucial to select the correct food safety training programmes for all employees; pitched at the right level to enhance learning.  We understand that adults learn differently and that is why our programmes are delivered by facilitators who can inspire delegates to change their views and behaviours.

Take a step in the right direction today and let us work together to bring safe food to everyone.  Visit our website for more information about our extensive food safety training programmes.  Click here to view our 2021 training schedule.  Reach out via e-mail at  How can we help?

Next week we will dissect the various food safety standards and look at the different training requirements.  We will also share some useful tips on other factors that impact the effectiveness of training.  Don’t miss it!

Wear your mask, keep that distance, sanitise your hands and just stay safe!
