Continual Improvement – Something that happens every day and not once a year
Hello and welcome to our Food Bites blog,
It is around about this time of the year that we start to look back at the year that was. We reflect on our goals and objectives, we measure and measure again. As we tally our customer complaints, non-conformances, production efficiencies, and a million other measurables, we also berate ourselves for the missed opportunities. The “if only” moments are burned into our minds as we wrap up 2021.
In our Blog today we take a look at how we can use our existing management systems to deliver not only results but also a level of continual improvement. Whether it be food safety, quality, environmental or health and safety, most recognised standards provide a platform that promotes continual improvement.
Gone are the days where improvement suggestion boxes are scattered across a site. We all know that these boxes are used to voice grievances rather than encourage improvement ideas and at best, some of these boxes will never see anything other than a few sweet wrappers every now and then.
Some organisations have effectively incentivised improvement strategies but if you really want to instil a culture of improvement, you need to convince every single employee that continual improvement is just as important as arriving at work on time. Improvement is something that happens every day. Not once a year.
As you live your days, so you craft your life. [Robin Sharma – The Greatness Guide).
Daily, incremental improvements add up and when we reflect on our months of hard work, we realise that it’s the consistency that delivers results. Start by:
- Involving process owners, operators, and factory staff in solving day-to-day problems.
- Train everyone on non-conformance management, corrections, corrective actions, and root cause analysis.
- Communicate! Use notice boards, newsletters, TV screens, meetings… In fact, why not share this Blog with the rest of your team!
- Measure and measure and measure. And remember to communicate the results.
- Most importantly, remember to celebrate. Give recognition where it is due and let this be an inspiration to everyone else!
So, as this year rattles to an end and even before we start thinking about 2022 too much, let’s take a moment to reflect on where we have come from, where we are at the moment, and where we would like to be a year from now.
Although our training programme for 2021 has come to an end, we have a few online training courses that are easily accessed from your desktop, laptop and mobile device. Why not sign a few of your staff up to complete our online Root Cause Analysis Masterclass? That will set you off to a good start in the New Year! Click here to register.
Until next week…
Food Bites Team