- Overview & Approach
- Outcomes
- Target audience
- Assessment
An effective internal audit system is a fundamental requirement of any management system. This workshop covers the requirements of food safety and quality management systems as well as the principles of internal and supplier auditing – just what you need to conduct audits that add value to your organisation.
Practical examples, activities and roleplay develop confidence and a positive attitude when performing internal audits. The course follows a structured approach, simulating the stages of an audit. This workshop does not only focus on technical aspects such as audit criteria and audit evidence, but also addresses auditor behaviour, traits and personal skills. Adopting skills that maximise the internal audit process and making it a positive experience for both auditors and auditees.
Progress Excellence Approach
- Explaining internal auditing in terms of the Guidelines for auditing management systems (ISO 19011:2018).
- Stimulating the discovery of how the behaviour of the auditor affects the outcome of the internal and supplier audit process.
- Role plays that simulate the entire auditing process and provide delegates with an experience of planning, performing and reporting on an audit.
The course will equip delegates with the following:
- With reference to the PDCA cycle, explain the food safety management system model for ISO 22000, and the role of internal audits in the maintenance and improvement of food safety management systems.
- Explain the role and responsibilities of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow-up an internal food safety management system audit, in accordance with ISO 19011.
- Plan, conduct, report and follow-up on internal audit of part of a food safety management system based on FSSC/ISO 22000 or acceptable equivalent, and in accordance with ISO 19011.
- Understanding audit criteria.
- Conduct audits in an organisation as well as supplier audits based on the requirements of ISO 19011.
- Understanding audit principles and the impact thereof on an audit.
- Displaying appropriate auditor conduct.
- Preparing for internal and supplier audits.
- Developing an internal and supplier audit programme.
- Preparing audit plans.
- Applying audit methods to obtain audit evidence.
- Reporting non conformances in understandable terms.
- Evaluation of corrective actions for adequacy.
- Handy tools to prepare and conduct a process-based audit.
- Effective reporting on the audit process.
The course is best suited to the following audiences:
- Staff from all departments wishing to perform internal audits.
- Staff who are responsible to perform supplier audits.
Delegate assessment will be in the form of:
- Full course attendance
- Successful completion of an on-line assessment (pass mark 70%).
- Successful completion of the assignment on the role play performed during the workshop.
What do our delegates say?
“The course is very well put together and easy to understand.”
Jason Kelderman, PracPack
“Excellent workshop that was presented in an excellent manner for everyone to understand.”
Charl Olivier, Hurters Honey
Course Features
- Course duration: 2 days
- Course Code: 25
- Course Level: Intermediate - Staff needs to have worked in the manufacturing/food industry already to attend one of these workshops.
- Method of delivery: Face-to-face
- Assessment: Quiz and submission assignment on role play
- Pass mark: 70%
- Certificate: Electronic Certificate on successful completion