- Overview & Approach
- Outcomes
- Target audience
Food safety is built on a sturdy foundation of PRPs and staff employed in the food manufacturing environment need to have a thorough understanding of these fundamental principles. These are our “front-line workers”, and they determine the overall effectiveness of our food safety management system
Progress Excellence Approach
- Small, interactive sessions
- Material is customised by customer-specific photographs and examples
- Important aspects are entrenched through fun activities
- Games and competitions are designed to change behaviours.
The course will equip delegates with the following:
- Basic understanding of systems and Standards and their purpose in the food industry
- Food Safety Culture
- Basic food microbiology
- Allergens
- Cleaning and sanitation
- Personnel hygiene
- Pest prevention and controls
- Food defence and food fraud
- Foreign matter control
- Food safety hazards and their control and HACCP
- The role of procedures, record keeping and traceability in food safety management systems.
The course is best suited for staff throughout the organisation from various departments:
- Food handlers
- Everyone employed in the food production environment (including cleaners, maintenance staff and temporary workers).
Course Features
- Minimum Delegates : 20
- Course Duration: 2 hours
- Course Code: 7
- Course Level: Basic - Staff needs no/minimal experience in the field to attend this workshop/session.
- Method of delivery: Face-to-face
- Certificate: Electronic Certificate of attendance